Hi! First, let me start off by saying we are so happy you are here! The Fitt Cycle has never done a Bikini Blast but you guys this will level up those Fitt 2 Cut results you just had in May or if you are new… it will really shed some inches!

So the structure for the challenge is going to be brand to you (and to the team… so bare with us!) I do need you to read through all of the “start here” info so that you have all the tools you need to be successful!

You will eat/live/breathe this 28-day calendar that you see above. This is your main guide so you know what to do! In fact, I would print it off then put a gold star on the days as you complete them… a check mark will do too!

First question that you are going to ask is do your rest days have to be on Thursday & Sunday… short answer no but I would love for you to follow this to a T so that you see results… that is why you are here right?

You can do your 10 mins of abs whenever you would like but, I want you to get them in… that means at 9:00 pm when you are beat and you had a crazy hectic day, push through the 10 mins! Even if you didn’t get your workout in… get your abs in!

Kitchen: I know you have heard me say this 100 times that abs are made in the kitchen… they are! Everyone has abs, but we have layers of fat over our abs so we need to be eating food to nourish our bodies so that we can dig deep and find those abs. The app is FULL of healthy options so pick one, pick a new one… give it a try! (Check out these videos for what I eat in a day: HIGH CARB and LOW CARB)

Bikini Blast Structure: 10 mins a day, 28 days with 2 rest days a week. As you can see in the calendar your workouts are going to be the same 5 but will rotate when you start a new week. Why is this? We are targeting a very specific area so we repeat those movements. You will see & feel maximum results by doing this! If the workout seems too hard, you can always modify it. Email us at support@thefittcycle.com for any modification questions you have!

PICTURES: Take them on your Day 0 or 1 // I want you to take a picture of YOURSELF… if you need to do a selfie mode do that but take the picture. That is ONE thing during the 28 Day F2C challenge we just had that helped women see the results… a picture is worth a thousand words, right?

Ok, I am anxious, excited, and nervous all in one to kick this challenge off! We have all put a lot of research and time into creating something brand new and we hope you love it!

xo, Lindsay