Regular Macro Day + Strength Training
Try to break your fast around noon. Maintain an 8 hour (or less) feeding window. Drink herbal teas, water, or black coffee.
Try to eat your biggest meal after you work out.
Stay within calorie/macro goals for the day.
The macro pie chart shows how many of each macro you have consumed and the percentages tell us how much each macro took up of your total calories. While you can hit the percentages (example; 50% carbs, 30% fat, 20% protein) you can still be under in grams if you do not look at the nutrients.
Try not to ADD any extra fats - most fats will come from your lean protein
Pay attention to your grams (under the nutrient tab) to make sure you are getting adequate carbs, fats and proteins.
Each time you eat you should at least include protein & fiber (other than the odd apple here or there).
At meals, your plate should be: ½ veggies, ¼ protein, ¼ carbs & oils & fats.
5-10 minutes of Walking, Jogging, Bicycle or Elliptical for Warm-Up
Activation x 7 minutes
{Do each exercise for the prescribed reps, as many rounds as possible within 7 minutes - all 4 exercises equals one round}
Spider Push up x 16
Squat Press x 20
Decline Pushup x 20
Jumping Jacks x 100
{Increase weight as reps decrease}
Arnold Press 15/12/10
Upright Row 15/12/10
Chest Fly 15/12/10
Tricep overhead extension 15/12/10
Lateral to Side Raise 15/12/10
Supersets x 2
{Do each pair twice before moving to the next set}
Plyo pushup 12
Mountain climber 20
Burnout x 7 minutes
Spider Push up x 16
Squat Press x 20
Decline Pushup x 20
Jumping Jacks x 100
Advanced Optional: 20 minutes LISS (light jog, bike, or elliptical to keep heart rate in the “fat burning zone”)
Day 2
Regular Macro Day + Leg Day
Try to break your fast around noon. Maintain an 8 hour (or less) feeding window. Drink herbal teas, water, or black coffee.
Try to eat your biggest meal after you work out.
Stay within calorie/macro goals for the day, but feel free to add in a treat if wanted on LEG DAY.
The macro pie chart shows how many of each macro you have consumed and the percentages tell us how much each macro took up of your total calories. While you can hit the percentages (example; 50% carbs, 30% fat, 20% protein) you can still be under in grams if you do not look at the nutrients.
Try not to ADD any extra fats - most fats will come from your lean protein
Pay attention to your grams (under the nutrient tab) to make sure you are getting adequate carbs, fats and proteins.
Each time you eat you should at least include protein & fiber (other than the odd apple here or there).
At meals, your plate should be: ½ veggies, ¼ protein, ¼ carbs & oils & fats.
{Be sure not to ever exert yourself during the warm up}
AMRAP Activation x 7 minutes
Burpee bench jump x 12
x jump squat x 20
Forward/Back lunge x 12 (each leg)
Donkey Kick x 20 (each leg)
{Increase Weight as reps decrease}
Hip Thrusts 15/12/10
Sumo Goblet Squat 15/12/10
Single Leg Dead Lift 15/12/10
Hamstring curl 15/12/10
Supersets x 2
{Do each pair of exercises twice before moving to the next set}
Bulgarian Kettle Bell Squat x 12
Clam x 20
Sumo Deadlift x 12
Jump Squat x 20
AB Burnout x 7 minutes
x-plank x 20
Ab Vaccuum x 20
X-mtn climber x 30
Bicycle Knee up x 20
in and out x 10
Low Carb Day + SPRINTS
Try to break your fast around noon. Maintain an 8 hour (or less) feeding window. Drink herbal teas, water, or black coffee.
Optional 24 hour fast
This is recommended for anyone that has gone through at least one round of the FAST Track To Fit.
You will begin the 24 hour fast after your last meal on TUESDAY and break your fast 24 hours later on Wednesday
Drink a lot of water (electrolyte water is my favorite), herbal teas, black coffee, BCAAs, and bone broth.
Break your fast with a low carb high protein smoothie and do not worry about tracking macros
On Thursday, break your fast when you are hungry and resume with regular program recommendations.
(if you are doing the optional 24 hour fast, no need to track your macros)
Your goal is to eat fewer than 50 grams of net carbs on this day. Total carbs minus fiber = net carbs.
You will also aim to eat 25% less total calories than on regular macro day. (ie 1500 x .25 = 375; 1500-375 = 1125 calories)
Maintain an 8 hour (or less) feeding window.
Eat protein and healthy fats at each meal
Eat lots of veggies
Avoid starchy foods like (root veggies, potatoes, breads, grains)
Your macro pie graph will not look "normal" on these days. You will want to hit MyFitnessPals recommended protein goal, stay at or under 50 grams of net carbs and fill the rest in with healthy fats.
You will want to aim to eat 25% less calories than on regular macro day. With the decreased carbs, you will have to consume more fat to make up the difference; keep your protein intake at 20%.
If you are breastfeeding, and have consulted with your physician, you can have up to 100g net carbs for low carbs days - listen to your body and give it what it needs.
10 minute warm up of Walking, Jogging, Bike or Elliptical
Activation x 7 minutes
Bench hop x 30
Weighted toe tap x 12
Oblique crunch x 20
Straight leg sit up with a twist x 20
Sprint Intervals
“Sprint Intervals” outside, on the track, stair stepper, elliptical, or bike .
Sprint at 100% effort for 30 seconds. Then enjoy 30 seconds of a slow recovery pace. Repeat for 20 times.
30mins of Low Intensity Steady State Cardio (LISS)
Consider using a bike, treadmill, elliptical, stairmaster. Keep your heart rate in “fat burning zone.”
Burnout x 7 minutes
Bench hop x 30
Weighted toe tap x 12
Oblique crunch x 20
Low Carb Day + HIIT
Try to break your fast around noon. Maintain an 8 hour (or less) feeding window. Drink herbal teas, water, or black coffee.
(if you are doing the optional 24 hour fast, no need to track your macros)
Your goal is to eat fewer than 50 grams of net carbs on this day. Total carbs minus fiber = net carbs.
You will also aim to eat 25% less total calories than on regular macro day. (ie 1500 x .25 = 375; 1500-375 = 1125 calories)
Maintain an 8 hour (or less) feeding window.
Eat protein and healthy fats at each meal
Eat lots of veggies
Avoid starchy foods like (root veggies, potatoes, breads, grains)
Your macro pie graph will not look "normal" on these days. You will want to hit MyFitnessPals recommended protein goal, stay at or under 50 grams of net carbs and fill the rest in with healthy fats.
You will want to aim to eat 25% less calories than on regular macro day. With the decreased carbs, you will have to consume more fat to make up the difference; keep your protein intake at 20%.
If you are breastfeeding, and have consulted with your physician, you can have up to 100g net carbs for low carbs days - listen to your body and give it what it needs.
10 Minute warm up of Walking, Jogging, Bike or Elliptical
Do each move for 30 seconds, rest 20 secs between moves
Repeat for a total of 3 rounds
squat jump
30 minutes of LISS
Keep your heart rate in the “fat burning zone”
Try a light jog, elliptical, stairmaster, or bike
Regular Macro Day + Back/Bis
Try to break your fast around noon. Maintain an 8 hour (or less) feeding window. Drink herbal teas, water, or black coffee.
Try to eat your biggest meal after you work out.
Stay within calorie/macro goals for the day
The macro pie chart shows how many of each macro you have consumed and the percentages tell us how much each macro took up of your total calories. While you can hit the percentages (example; 50% carbs, 30% fat, 20% protein) you can still be under in grams if you do not look at the nutrients.
Try not to ADD any extra fats - most fats will come from your lean protein
Pay attention to your grams (under the nutrient tab) to make sure you are getting adequate carbs, fats and proteins.
Each time you eat you should at least include protein & fiber (other than the odd apple here or there).
At meals, your plate should be: ½ veggies, ¼ protein, ¼ carbs & oils & fats.
5-10 Minutes of Walking, Jogging, Bicycle or Elliptical for Warm Up
{Be sure not to ever exert yourself during the warm up}
Activation x 7 minutes
Commando pushups X 10
Laydown burpees x 12
Reverse fly x 15
Jumping jacks x 100
{Increase weight as reps decrease}
bent over row 15/12/10 (each)
Concentration Curl 24/20/20 (total)
Bent over reverse fly 15/12/10
Bicep Curl 15/12/10
Superset x 2
{Do each pair of exercises 2 times before moving onto the next pair}
Bicep Curl with reverse curl x 10 reps
Manmakers x 10 reps
inverted row x 12 reps
Wide push up x 12 reps
Burnout x 7 minutes
Commando pushups X 10
Laydown burpees x 12
Reverse fly x 15
Jumping jacks x 100
Advanced Optional: 30 minutes LISS (light jog, bike, or elliptical to keep heart rate in the “fat burning zone”)
Regular Macro Day + LEG DAY
Try to break your fast around noon. Maintain an 8 hour (or less) feeding window. Drink herbal teas, water, or black coffee.
Try to eat your biggest meal after you work out.
Stay within calorie/macro goals for the day, but feel free to add in a treat if wanted on LEG DAY.
The macro pie chart shows how many of each macro you have consumed and the percentages tell us how much each macro took up of your total calories. While you can hit the percentages (example; 50% carbs, 30% fat, 20% protein) you can still be under in grams if you do not look at the nutrients.
Try not to ADD any extra fats - most fats will come from your lean protein
Pay attention to your grams (under the nutrient tab) to make sure you are getting adequate carbs, fats and proteins.
Each time you eat you should at least include protein & fiber (other than the odd apple here or there).
At meals, your plate should be: ½ veggies, ¼ protein, ¼ carbs & oils & fats.
Activation x 7 minutes
Sumo jump squat x 20
Scissor hops x 20
Curtsey Lunge x 20 (total)
Crab walk x 20 (total)
Sumo Squat 15/12/10
Sumo Dead lift 15/12/10
Elevated Reverse lunge 15/12/10
Goblet lateral lunge 15/12/10
Superset x 2
{Do each pair before moving onto the next set}
squat x 12
Lateral leg raise x 24 (each)
Curtsey pulse x 20 each
Calve Raises x 12 each
AB Burnout x 7 minutes
Plank pull through x 20 (total)
High low woodchop x 20 (total)
Bench Bent to straight raise x 10
(lay on flat surface, bend legs to chest, then straighten, then do a regular leg raise and repeat)
Day 7
Low Carb/Cal + Active recovery Day
Break your fast later in the day and consume a lot of water and herbal teas.
Eat 25% less macros than a Regular Macro Day.
For example, if you typically eat 200 grams of protein on a Regular Macro Day, you will consume 150 grams total proteins. (200*.25=50. 200-55=150)
Aim to hit less than 50g NET carbs.
If you are breastfeeding, and after consulting your physician, you can do regular macros. If you have a well established supply and don't notice a drop or feel famished with a small decrease, decrease some if you want.
SUNDAY RUNDAY - try for a 5K jog/brisk walk today
Engage in a longer duration (1 hour or more) activity or very-low intensity active recovery (walking, biking, etc) that will rely on fat as its main fuel source.
Consider a trip to the Sauna or some Hot Yoga!!