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Hey everyone!!  Thank you for stopping by my corner of the internet. My background is in nursing, which is one of the reasons why I am so passionate about the health and wellness industry. My mission is to empower women to become the best version of themselves by fueling their bodies with whole food nutrition, so they can ditch the quick fix mindset and live a sustainable lifestyle. I have seen the entire spectrum of life and currently work very closely with the geriatric population. If we could just educate people now on preventative measures and healing our bodies with real whole food, people would live longer, happier lives.

I personally implemented carb cycling, intermittent fasting, and lifting heavier in Spring 2017 and have never seen results like I did,

I knew that I needed to share my story and journey with more women because the way I was feeling MENTALLY, was a game changer for me.

A lot of people will notice my physical transformation first, but I wish I could have a picture that explained the MENTAL transformation I have gone through. It is so much more impressive than the physical transformation.

I used to beat myself up for over eating or over indulging and kill myself in the gym as punishment. Now with The FITT Cycle I am working out and fueling it with what it needs because I LOVE my body, not because I hate it. 

I TRULY feel like this program has given me my why, and my purpose and I'm ready to share it with as many women as I can.

I can't wait to work with you!